Where does the Fire come from?
For a long time, I struggled with a key question for my short film: Where does the fire come from? I always knew that fire would be the main force for the robot’s transformation into a human. But I wasn’t sure how to show its origin.
The Brainstorm
My brain went around different ideas. Maybe the fire could come from sparks in the machines in the factory, created by overwork. Or it could come from a box of something the robot is working with. But these ideas felt destructive, and I wanted the fire to symbolize positive change. I also considered adding a character, like a child or a fire dancer representing memory, to bring the fire. But I already had so many symbols in the film, and adding more characters would easily make it too crowded.
The Vision
Then, something unexpected happened. One day, a friend was tattooing an infinity symbol—a sideways figure eight—on my arm. And I had a vision.
The fire comes from within us. It is inside of us, waiting to be seen, longing to be cared for, and wanting to be shared. This realization felt deeply powerful and true. We are little stars!

The Heart Space
Around that time, I was also doing a training called “Heart Walls” by Bahar Yilmaz. It’s a training to conquer your heart walls and help you to live authentically. During her meditations, I felt the amazing energy of the heart space radiating.
In Eastern philosophy, the “now moment” is not still. It is the source of creativity, growth, and authenticity—all things that help us break free from limitations. It is full of life. Slowing down to presence and feeling into my heart, this is exactly what I felt.
So I decided that the fire must be born from our heart. Or better said: discovered.
The heart space and timeless moment became the most important turning point of MetaMoreFire’s story.
Don't be scared
Many of us are disconnected from this space or overwhelmed by it. And as a result, we don’t follow our passions. I want to remind you of the power that you hold inside. This inner fire can change our lives and help us live with more purpose and joy.
It might be scary, scattered, or dark. But it doesn’t want to harm you. It wants to help you grow and love the life you came here to have. So don’t hold yourself back from listening to your heart—you deserve to live your potential!
… But HOW does one show the heart space? Something so symbolic, almost impossible to capture on a movie screen. In our next article we will show you how we brought this vision alive. So stay tuned for more!